Discover Why Marine Student
"Filip Drlijaca"
Finished 4 Years Of Marine School In 8 Months
Discover Why Marine Student
"Filip Drlijaca"
Finished 4 Years Of Marine School In 8 Months
Language/Academic Achievement
FIlip Drlijaca Marine Student Fillip is from Serbia and came to see Jerry Jerome for hypnosis sessions to help with his ability to speak English, concentrate, and Learn new subjects. He was taught self hypnosis to achieve these results. Fillip enjoyed hypnosis so much he wanted to experience past life regression. He was amazed and attempts to describe how he felt in this video...
*Update On Filip: AUGUST 2014
Filip updated 24HourHypnotist.com on his success using self hypnosis. Filip was able to complete 4 years of Marine School in 8 months with using only 10 minutes of self hypnosis when ever he needed it! His teachers had never seen anyone study 10 subjects at a time in one week.
Filip updated 24HourHypnotist.com on his success using self hypnosis. Filip was able to complete 4 years of Marine School in 8 months with using only 10 minutes of self hypnosis when ever he needed it! His teachers had never seen anyone study 10 subjects at a time in one week.