Photo Credits: Tampa Tribune Click Here to read how Lindsey worked with to conquer the gym & become a champion! Call Toll Free Today 1.855. MESMERIZE
Acrobatic performers can join the ranks of the SUPER ATHLETES like... Michael Phelps, Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, Mike Tyson, Ken Norton, Mark McGwire, Jіmmу Cоnnоrѕ, Jack Nicklaus & Andre Agassi What do all these SUPER ATHLETES have in common? They all used hypnotists and or mind coaches to become Champions! They all know the subconscious mind is the secret to winning! While most people in the hypnosis industry know that 97% of people can be hypnotized....The overall best candidates for hypnosis are those that can concentrate without getting distracted by their own mind chatter and the "What's for dinner syndrome!" Many people that work in positions of power such as the CEO of a company or the president of a country are typically great candidate for hypnosis, and can usually excel at concentration & discipline! The higher up their position in a company the better! Why do Cirque Du Soleil Acrobats often make just as a good of a hypnosis candidate as a CEO of a company or the President of a country? Its very simple...Just like CEO's & Presidents, professional acrobats that perform for Cirque Du Soleil require concentration & discipline to be in the show! Although...not a guarantee, typically this makes them perfect candidates for hypnosis! More on hypnosis & acrobats ... Cirque Du Soleil has an amazing ability to fuse acrobatic disciplines and performance in their shows! They often recruit performers that already have superb acrobatic skills and only require the need to be trained by their "Creative Directors" or similar to be both an athletic acrobat and an entertaining artistic character that must gel with several others performers just like them on stage! Most Cirque performers do not have speaking parts, which means they must convey the character through their specific act, costume, body movement & Facial expressions. Hypnosis is an obvious way to QUICKLY increase an acrobats ability to excel at the entire process of becoming a professional Cirque performer! Acrobats push their bodies harder and more often than than the average person can relate too. We know several high level female acrobatic performers that practice their 7 minute aerial silk act 5- 7 times in a row without a break! We would watch other gymnasts at the gymnasium watch in awe over these feats of endurance and strength. As you can imagine when these athletes get an injury they are out of work! Unless you are lucky enough to work for Cirque Du Soleil (known for taking very good care of their performers when they are injured) The sooner the injured acrobat can get back to the stage the better! Hypnosis can be a great tool for pushing the limits of an acrobats body and helping an acrobat recover quicker from injuries too! Most athletes hit plateaus in their training at one point or another... An acrobat can have plateaus too! Hypnosis can be the perfect tool to get past it and back in the zone!! Ever struggled with memorizing something? Imagine memorizing what your body is supposed to do to look theatrical while you are performing your acrobatic flip from a 10 ft prop on stage with music and lights distracting you! Hypnosis can be a great tool to enhance your ability to memorize choreography, body movement & Style! A hypnosis session by a hypnotist with experience in both entertainment & acrobatic training is more likely to understand how hypnosis can best be used to improve an acrobats act & theatrical performance! All that is required by the acrobat is to have the sincere desire to be a great performer and the willingness to do as instructed by the hypnotist! Here are several suggested available uses for Cirque Du Soleil Performers from our CIRQUE PAGE. Call Toll Free 1.855.MESMERIZE
The fastest way to success!! Stop being an observer and become a participant in your own life!!5/25/2015 We have become an expert nation of Observers! Why? Because of the easy unlimited access to the Internet, Social Media like Youtube & Facebook & of course... technology! Anyone with a few clicks can become a conversational expert about most subjects! We can determine what the perfect meal looks like! What's the best workout routine to lose weight? What's the secret to a previously unknown magic trick? How do you plant a fruit tree like an expert? How to build a race-car? What's the significance of being an observer but not a participant? As an observer everything seems like a piece of cake! It gives you the feeling, you know how to do anything? But is this realistic? Remember the magic trick! Your sitting at home watching a youtube video on performing your favorite magic trick. You now know how to perform this trick...You understand this trick inside and out! Does this mean you can perform it like a magician? Not unless you practice the 60 hours the magician did... Now, even though you are an expert observer, you could not perform this trick like a magician! Which means you are not a participant in the magic trick! You are an observer that could very easily tell if the trick was performed properly... This could be said about almost anything! Why is Hypnosis a great choice for becoming a participant in your own life? Most people excel at one major part of their life at the expense of another significant part. Are you a successful businessman/businesswoman? If so, do you also eat healthy and workout regularly? What about spending time with your children, your spouse, or your extended family? DID YOU KNOW....Successful business people make great hypnosis candidates!! Are you a beast in the gym and have very low body fat? YES...How is your family? How is your finances? The point is that very few excel in all parts of their life! Does this sounds like you? Your in luck! Hypnosis is a great way to work with your subconscious mind to excel in the parts of your life where you are lacking. You can push through the sea of distractions in your life and the constant mind chatter to tell your subconscious mind what you really want! Program your subconscious mind to wake up early, go to the gym, eat right, and push yourself to get big results fast! Do you see the power of hypnosis? Hypnosis can really be used for almost anything you want to conquer in your life! The power of your mind is severely underrated! You are your own biggest success or failure! Its often said... "What ever you are most afraid of doing is probably where your millions are!" The real question is....How bad do you really want it? This will usually determine if you succeed or fail! When you said to yourself..."No matter what it takes I will succeed!" You usually did! Curious? Is hypnosis right for you? Contact us. We can determine if you are a good fit for hypnosis! 24 Hour Hypnotist Toll Free 1.855.MESMERIZE Lindsey McKnight contacted from Naples Florida about some fantastic news... She has just won 1st place in the NPC Naples-Bonita Classic Division: Figure, class C (over 5'6)!! Congratulations Lindsey!
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